17/07/2020 13:21 em Igreja

It is with much joy that we announce the programme of our Seminar, with the theme LIVING IN THE BODY OF CHRIST WITH LOVE.

The objective of our seminars has usually been one of doctrinal training. We have learnt about the great doctrines of Salvation, the Second Coming of Christ, Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit, among many other topics.

But this seminar is different from all the others that we have held. Why?

The times we are living in pose great challenges to all of us, as the Lord's Church, as they place many brothers and sisters in forced isolation and do not allow the physical gathering of the Church.

What is the main objective of this seminar? More than ever we need to live in the Body of Christ with love, in a practical manner. This means that each brother and sister should feel loved by the Lord and by the Church, but he or she should also feel responsible for taking care of his/her brothers and sisters.

Through this Seminar we want to mobilize the whole Church to be close to each member of the Body. Through this Seminar we want to say to each participant: sister, brother, you are not alone. You are important to the Lord and to us. Until the Lord comes for His Bride, we will walk together and keep our lamp burning! Maranatha!

Do you need information? Do you need prayer?
Contact a Pastor - before, during or after the Seminar.

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Portugal/Europe +351 933339745



(Brazil time, Portugal/UK time, Europe time)
Session 1 (8/12/13) THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (Pr. Andrew Wallace, Belfast, Northern Ireland)
We often hear about the power of the Holy Spirit, but we need to remember that the operation of the Spirit in our lives produces a multifaceted and wonderful fruit, whose most perfect manifestation is love.
Session 2 (10/14/15) PLEADING THE BLOOD OF JESUS (Pr. Sérgio Novo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Fellowship in the Body, with God and with each other, is not based on emotions but on the supernatural power that comes from the blood of the Lamb. A target of much misunderstanding, we need to have a deeper comprehension and to reaffirm our faith in the power of the Blood of Jesus
Session 3 (11/15/16) SERVING ONE ANOTHER IN LOVE (Pr. Thomas B. Wilson, Portimão, Portugal)/th>
The book of Acts and the Epistles record, in a remarkable way, how the brethren in the apostolic Church lived with genuine love for each other, serving one another in very practical ways. An example for the Church today.
Session 4 (12/16/17) UNITY IN THE BODY OF CHRIST (Pr. Gérson Novo, Brasília, Brazil)
OThe Lord of the Church wants His Body to live in unity, a unity that proceeds from the action of the Trinity in the Church. There are many obstacles to overcome, but the benefits are extraordinary.
Session 5 (14/18/19) THE HEART OF A SHEPHERD (Pr. Sérgio Matos, Porto, Portugal)
Jesus often presented Himself as a Shepherd, who takes care and protects His sheep. For us to take care of each other, as we should, it is necessary that a heart such as His is manifested in the Church today.